
We have programmed our website following accessibility guidelines and web standards.

The site is developed using backwards compatible to Internet Explorer 8.

Our site content is separated from presentational elements, which makes it available to any visitors that use technologies such as a screen reader or text only browser.

What is an accessible website?

An accessible site is one that accommodates the full range of users. Designing for accessibility therefore means accepting that, for online information, there is:

  • no standard information user, and,

  • no standard device for browsing information

An accessible web site does not exclude anybody due to:

  • their abilities, or

  • the method they choose to access the web

Accessible websites prioritise clear content, structure and ease of navigation over frilly aspects of design, however they also need not be visually unattractive, nor are they prevented from using the latest web technologies, provided that all information is still accessible to users.

Changing text size

You can use the icons at the top of every web page to change the size of the text that appears on this website.

You may also use your browser settings to change the text size for all the web sites that you visit. The technique for doing this is slightly different depending on the browser that you use:

  • Internet Explorer 7: Select the 'Page' menu, then one of the options under 'Text Size'. The default setting is Medium

  • Internet Explorer 6: Select the 'View' menu, and select one of the options under 'Text Size'.

  • Mozilla Firefox: Select the 'View' menu, then 'Text Size', then select Increase, Decrease or Normal.

  • Opera: Select the 'View' menu, then one of the 'Zoom' percentage options.

  • Netscape: Select the 'View' menu, then one of the 'Text Zoom' options.

Other browsers may also have similar options available. Please consult the documentation provided with your browser if similar options to the ones above aren't available.


Browsealoud is a program which automatically reads out a web page when you move your mouse over the text.

What is it for?
Browsealoud Helps people to access websites which they have difficulty reading. This might be due to a visual impairment or a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia.

Who can use it?
Browsealoud is available for PC and Mac. It also has settings designed to help it work behind corporate firewalls.

How do I use it?
Visit the Browsealoud support page for instructions on how to download and use Browsealoud.

How do I download it?
Click on the orange button at the bottom of the page or use this link to download Browsealoud.

Is Browsealoud a screen reader?
Browsealoud is a browser plugin. It can be used to access Browsealoud enabled websites. It is not designed to be a substitute for a full screen reader program such as Window Eyes or Jaws.

However, Browsealoud has some advantages over full screen reader programs:

  • The Browsealoud reader is free.

  • It can be used on any computer which meets the system requirements.

  • You do not need administrative rights to run the program.
